Monday, April 18, 2011

Phantom of The Opera

Phantom of the Opera is a romantic love story of a woman, Christine Daae, and her love for singing, which brings about a love triangle between her true love and the Phatom of the Opera. 
Christine first moved to the opera house when her father who a violinist, passes away. Madame Giry brings her to the opera hourse as a dancer at the opera house.
Christine grows up and hears voices talking to her but no person. Eventually those voices ask her to sing and it sings as well. It calls her Little Lotte and she calls the ghost the Angel of Music. She believes her father sent the Angel of Music to care for her. The love she has for singing brings about the known Phantom of the Opera 'ghost.' Eventually, the lead opera singer quits the show after Christine sings for her once because the Phantom requests it. Christine becomes the lead
The Phantom grew up in a freak show as his face was deformed and was finally found and released by Madame Giry. All the Phantom had was a musical monkey box that he played all of the time. The Phantom and Christine become closer but after the show.
 Christine finds out that her friends Raoul is the new Viscount de Chagny and they fall in love with each other. This is bad for the Phantom because he loves Christine and her voice and does everything to get her back to being his. The Phantom sings to Christine and gets her to follow him down to his dungeon where he has a figure of her dressed in a wedding dress. She passes out after seeing that and when she awakens she realizes what he wants; her. However, she is going to marry Raoul and continues to sing opera for the Opera Populaire. Eventually, the Phantom gets tired of playing games with the two of them and steals Christine. Raoul runs down to the dungeons to save her and gets caught in the Phantom's trap. As the Phantom is close to murdering Raoul, Christine gives the Phantom a kiss and expresses how much she loves him. The Phantom then realizes how much he loves her but that he wants her to be happy. He lets Raoul go and then him and Christine sail away and get married. The Phantom was once again left alone with his monkey music box.
 The end of the movie expresses how Christine died, but as her husband goes to her grave to place flowers down, he notices that one single rose is left there already, which is assumed was from the Phantom of the Opera.


The Phantom of the Opera is a gorgeous musical version of one of the most popular plays of all time. Most of the plot takes place in an ornate opera house in Paris around 1870. The set of the opera house has two parts: (a) the oppulent, gilded front where the patrons and actors interact, and (b) the shadowy, backstage areas combined with a mysterious underbelly of secret passages, tunnels, and an underground lake, the Phantom’s domain. Which  is a terrifically cool-looking place that helped to define him as this spooky recluse.
The Music was the driving force behind the movie, it set the mood and told the story. The lyrics the melody played such an important role, it defined each character.

There is definatly an underlying story of the difficulty Christin has in choosing between two men in her life. The can choose the  aristocratic, handsome kindhearted Raoul or the dark, unpredictable scarred man.

While I do not think that this is suppose to go for some deep life lesson, parrelleling the story with the difficulties that we facein our everyday lives. I think the authors simply want to tell a beautiful love story through wonderful artistic music. The whole puropse of the Opera is emphasis on the music. Perhaps this is even why the setting is in the Opera house with actors acting out scences of an Opera. This reminds the audience to not forget the importance of the music.

This is an amazing piece of artwork. By far it stands up to many musicals that are movies. The sheer musical gensis is what makes this movie great. The beauty of the music is what is significant about this work.
Not to mention the costuming and sets are amazing. Casting was great. This movie definatly holds weight against others in its field. The attention to detail and the artistic creativity is amazing.

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