Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Assignment #6 - Dance

Baroque Period of Dance

Baroque dance is a precursor to classical ballet. Baroque dance was established and developed in France at the court of Louis XIV. It lasted from about 1643 to 1715, during this time French culture was was highly influential in fashionable society and the new style of dancing was included in this trend. Baroque was introduced to the English courts by Charles II, and soon French dancing masters were employed at theatres and courts throughout Europe.
Ballet dancers of today will be able to recognize many of the step names from the Baroque era. However the style of executing the steps today is very different from that of the Baroque era, classical ballet of today has an emphasis of up on the toes. While the Baroque style is more rooted to the ground, with heels just off the floor.
The establishment of the Royal Academy of Dance by Louis XIV in 1661 further the growth of the Baroque style. This resulted in the publication in 1700 of shorthand notation system known today as Beauchamp-Feuillet notation. The shorthand system tells you which steps to do, but not necessarily how to do them. Below is an example of this notation.

This is also an example of a reconstruction of Baroque Dance. 

Why people dance
There are many reasons why people dance. Dance is almost second natures for humans, as long as humans have existed dance has existed as well. People dance for celebrations, for weddings for birthday party's. They dance for fitness. People dance as part of their culture, or religious prays.People dance because they love to perform. People dance for fun. People dance for fitness.

I dance for the love of it, to me dance is like breathing, it is embedded into my soul. Dance is how I define myself, it takes the words out of my mind and puts meaning into space. I dance because I love it, it has been the one constant in my life since i was three.


Capoeira is a Brazilian dance form that combines the elements of martial arts, sports and music. It was created in Brazil by African slaves incorporation Brazilian native influences during the 16th Century. Capoeira is known for its quick and complex moves, using mainly kicks and quick leg sweeps, with some ground and aerial acrobatics, knee, elbows, punches and headbutts.
It is performed to the accompaniment of call-and-response choral singing and percussive instrumental music.

Below is an example of Capoeira

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