Thursday, January 27, 2011

Assignment 2

 Four domains of creativity:

Generating many ideas. Such as a person that can speak in another language, they would be able to generate many ideas in that language. To be creative one must be able to generate many ideas in their art form. For example I am a dancer to be creative and fluent in my art form I should know many different forms of dance to create new and innovative choreography.

The below pictures show the fluency of George Balanchine in his choreography. He generated many different ideas to create many different ballets.

Generating different types of ideas or ideas from different perspectives. So to be flexible as a dancer and an artist my choreography should not all look alike, I should approach my choreography from different perspectives with different ideas to pull form to be truly creative.

Below are pictures from Alvin Ailey's Revelations, Ailey was flexible in creating this master piece because he pulled from many different ideas.

Generating unusual ideas. So to be creative my choreography should defiantly be original. To be considered creative it should be new and fresh, this creative outlook could also spark some controversy, which would be great to get dialogue going. Also in the dance world plagiarism exist. Certain choreographers have trust in which you must get permission to perform their choreography. I think originality is very important when it comes to creativity. Creating something that has never been seen before.

Below is a picture from USC student showcase, this piece of choreography was created by Juliana Jordan a senior dance major. This is an example of originality she generate new and unusual ideas to create this piece Cry to Dream Again.

Adding to ideas to improve them. Once I have created choreography to go back and readjust, make some changes to improve the idea. Or even after it has been performed going back and changing my ideas is an example of elaboration.

Feldman Method of Art Criticism:

Describing what you see. What are the physical elements present. Describing would be as if I was explaining this to a friend over the phone I want to be specific and detail so the can conceive a mental picture. Maybe initial emotion felt.

Gather more information. Identifying the relationships to what you saw. Explaining how the work is organized. Use elements of art and principals of design to describe.

What is the artist saying to me? Looking for the meaning. Explain the meaning of
mood or the work.

Is this a successful work of art? Does it have merit? Rank the artwork by comparing
it with others like it. But I do have a personal issue with this one, if art is really subjective art then who is someone to judge my work of art. What makes it good? If I am being creative then this is an original piece of work. I do not really think you can say whether a piece of art is successful or not, that would be dependent on the artist

Taylor Ferguson

Judge or Evaluate

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